Meet Our members
Representing over 1,500 companies, organisations and institutions in more than 80 countries, including manufacturers, developers, component suppliers, research institutes, national wind and renewables associations, electricity providers, finance and insurance companies.
GWEC members account for 70% of the world’s installed wind power capacity. Representing over 1,500 companies, organisations and institutions in more than 80 countries. Our network includes the leading turbine manufacturers, developers, suppliers, and service providers from every corner of the globe.
In addition, we represent national trade associations from both established and emerging wind markets, fostering collaboration across borders to accelerate the growth of the global wind industry.

Associated Members
AEDIE – Associacion para la investigation y Diagnosis de la Energi
APPA – Asociacion de Productores de Energias Renovables
Association of Producers of Ecological Energy
Austrian Wind Energy Association
Belgian Federal Government JI/CDM Team
Bulgarian Wind Energy Association
Croatian Chamber of Economy´s Wind Energy Association
Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority
Danish Turbine Owners Association
Danish Wind Industry Association
Estonian Wind Power Association
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)
Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical
Engineering and Naval Architecture
Faroe Islands Wind Energy Association
Finnish Wind Power Association
Fordergesellschaft Windenergie e.V.
Hellenic Wind Energy Association
Hungarian Wind Energy Scientific Association
IRO Offshore Wind Energy Group
Latvian Wind Energy Association
Lithuanian Wind Power Association
Lithuanian Wind Energy Association
Netherlands Wind Energy Association
Portuguese Renewable Energy Association APREN
Rzeszow University of Technology
Russian Association of Wind Industry (RAWI)
Romanian Wind Energy Association
Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences
SER – Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables
Slovak Association for Wind Energy
Technologies Industries of Finland
The University Dunarea de Jos of Galati
Ukranian Wind Energy Association (UWEA)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Vindkraftsleverantrerna i Sverige VIS
Wind Energy Research Center of “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
Asia Pacific
Chinese Wind Energy Association
Wind Energy Institute of Technology Shenyang University of technology
Center for Energy and Sustainable Resources
GGS Institute of Information Communication Technology India
The Energy and Resources Institute
Indian Wind Power Association
Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association
Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies
Pohang Wind Energy Research Center (POSTECH)
Lean management Systems Promotion society
Korea Wind Energy Industry Association
Pakistan Wind Energy Association
Renewable & Alternative Energy Association of Pakistan
Alternative Energy Development Board
Renewable Energy Society for Education awareness research & community help (RESEARCH)
Mongolian Renewables Industries Association
Africa and the Middle East
Graduate School of Business, Cape Town
Multi Construction Electrical & Technology
Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria
Wind Energy Association of Nigeria
EWPIC – Egyptian Wind Power Industry Consortium
Israel Wind Energy Association
SUNA – Renewable Energy Organization of Iran
Syrian Wind Energy Association
ANME (Agence Nationale pour la Maitrise de l’ Energie)
Global Change Impact Studies Centre
STER (Systemes et Technologies des Energies Renouvelables)
Individual Members
Vassilis Iliadis, Athens, Greece
Arvinder Singh, Bangalore, India
Isabelle Prosser, Bousval, Belgium
Alberto Gil, Madrid, Spain
Thomas Süßenbach, Flensburg, Germany
V Subramanian, New Delhi, India
Pakkam Dilipkumar, Pune, India
Arun Mehra, Mumbai, India
Alexander Blomfield, London UK
Hikaru Matsumiya, Tokyo, Japan
Ramon Lopez, Madrid, Spain
Axel Ringhandt, Heere, Germany
Anonymous, Gurgaon, India
Ed Montero, Miami, USA
Mathias Steck, Tornesch, Germany
James Smith, Kitty Hawk, USA
Sunil Jain, Delhi, India
Bernard Mueller, Shanghai, China
Christopher Crosby, Charleston, USA
Emilio Deagosto, Montevideo, Uruguay
Horacio Caceres, Cordoba, Argentina
Mathias Thamhain, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Frank Wouters, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Phillips Lemos, Sorocaba, Brazil
Michael Müllneritsch, Graz, Austria
Andreas Jansen, Oldenburg, Germany
Leandro Alves, Washington, USA
Ayushi Sharma, Bangalore, India
Tanis Marquette, Ohio, USA
Karel Vits, Shanghai, China
Ashish Tiwari, Bangalore, India
Rodolfo Area, Palm Beach Gardens, USA
Klaus Rave, Kiel, Germany
Brian Smith, Evergreen, USA
Henrique Quintao Federici, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kuppuswamy Kothandaraman, Chennai, India
José María Guillot de la Puente, Madrid, Spain
Arthur Tsai, Taiwan
Tomislav Curkovic, Zaghreb, Croatia
Vilas Warudkar, Madhya Pradesh, India
Esa Peltola, Espoo, Finland
Juan Pablo Saltre, Montevideo, Uruguay
Iza Kielichowska, Brussels, Belgium
Beth O’Brien, Texas, USA
Andrew Garrad, Somerset, United Kingdom
Al Dutton, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Eduardo Rincón Mejía, Mexico City, Mexico
Bruce Valpy, Swindon, United Kingdom
Ali Cox, London, United Kingdom
Jami Hossain, Gurgaon, India
Gabriela Larranga, Montevideo, Uruguay
Jaap ‘t Hooft, Alkmaar, the Netherlands
Siraj Ahmed, Madhya Pradesh, India

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy.
IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) works with governments and industry to shape a secure and sustainable energy future for all.
They provide authoritative analysis, data, policy recommendations and solutions to ensure energy security and help the world transition to clean energy.

The UNFCCC secretariat (UN Climate Change) was established in 1992 when countries adopted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
With the subsequent adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015, Parties to these three agreements have progressively reaffirmed the secretariat’s role as the United Nations entity tasked with supporting the global response to the threat of climate change.

REN21 is the only global renewable energy community of actors from science, governments, NGOs and industry.
They provide up-to-date and peer-reviewed facts, figures and analysis of global developments in technology, policies and markets. Our goal: enable decision-makers to make the transition to renewable energy happen – now.

The Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) aims to advance the global energy transition by empowering women in energy through interdisciplinary networking, advocacy, training, and mentoring.
GWNET seeks to address the current gender imbalances in the energy sector and to promote gender-sensitive action around the energy transition in all parts of the world.
Are You An Active Company Or Association In The Wind Industry?
Join GWEC today to open up new opportunities for wind energy in emerging markets across the world, gain access to exclusive market intelligence, be part of a global network and much more!

Marina Prado
Membership Relation Manager-

George Hildreth
Business Development Associate-